The Earth's Aliveness

a deep dive into our planet's microbiome

June 22, 2025 at the Volkshaus, Zurich

9.15 – 16.30

Earth is a pulsating organism whose microbiome forms the basis of all life. Bacteria, fungi and billions of other single-celled organisms, algae and viruses are our invisible cohabitants, without whom there would be no life on earth. Our aliveness arises from our relationship with the vitality of the earth, we are one.

Join us in acknowledging how strongly we are connected to these single-celled organisms and how much they influence us and we them in the question of the aliveness of the earth. Together we will embark on a journey to honour, nourish and increase the beauty and diversity of our microbiome.

How can we connect with the Earth's aliveness?

Helmy Abouleish, SEKEM

SEKEM promotes sustainable development in ecology, economy, societal and cultural life, consciously integrating the interplay of microorganisms into agriculture. Founded in 1977 by the Abouleish family and fellow campaigners, the SEKEM project has transformed parts of the Egyptian desert into a thriving Garden of Eden and was awarded the Right Livelihood Award (‘Alternative Nobel Prize’) under the leadership of Helmy Abouleish.

Gabriele Berg, TU Graz

Head of the Institute of Biotechnology at Graz University of Technology, Gabriele Berg has been researching the microbiome for 30 years. She has conducted many studies about the effects of agriculture on the plant and soil microbiome including one based at the SEKEM initiative looking at its effects on microbial communities in desert soil.

Katharina Serafimova, Shareitt

Focused on reconnecting nature, money and community, Katharina Serafimova is the co-creator of Shareitt Switzerland, a platform that enables communities to create a culture of sharing, caring, and thriving, while cultivating the health and the vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants. She is also a lecturer at the University of Zurich, where she teaches courses on sustainability and finance.

Ivo Hutzli, Permakultur LEBEN)

As a permaculturalist, engineer and cultural manager, Ivo uses his skills and knowledge for regenerative projects. His work is about shaping relationships between living beings, closing cycles, transformation, diversity, synergies, co-creativity, sufficiency, resilience and networking. He is active with the Triple Bottom Line© Association and Kinder in der Permakultur - Schweiz.

and Tibetan Music from:

Dechen Shak-Dagsay and Helge Van Dyk

Image courtesy of VANDYKMUSIC

Early-Bird Prices until March 7, 2025


47 CHF


      70 CHF